art · Everything

My Favorite House in GoT & Living by Their Motto

In case y’all didn’t know, I am a huge nerd and Game of Thrones (and House of the Dragon) is one of my favorite shows ever. Did I hate the last season? Of course! BUT, still a great show. My all time favorite House in the show has to be the Targaryens of course, but I also love House Tyrell. Too bad they got wiped out in Game of Thrones, that broke my heart lol. However, besides a beautiful emblem, the Tyrells have a great motto: “Growing Strong”. That’s what I try to live by. I’m constantly growing as a person, changing, evolving. And I try to be as strong and brave as I can facing life and life’s obstacles. “Growing Strong” inspires me to just go for it and do the best that I can. I did this piece of art thinking that in the back of my mind. I went with an earthy, hippie, 60’s-70’s era color scheme and I like how it turned out. I’m thinking of incorporating more writing into my art, that seems like it would be fun. We shall see what I come up with. I’m also thinking of starting a daily art journal. Just to have fun with each day, doodle a little something and jot some thoughts down. I would share it on here! Anyone else have an art journal? I’d love to know and get some advice. Hope y’all are having a groovy day!

art · Everything · Life Rambles

IDK Where I’m Goin’, But I’m On My Way!

One of my latest random doodles created in the midst of mania and honestly it was a revelation to me! I encourage everyone to keep chugging along in life no matter what, because you never know what will come your way as a surprise! I am terrible at making plans, especially for my life and day to day living. I usually fly by the seat of my pants and see where it takes me. So yes, I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way!!!! That’s the key to living in the moment I think. Like they say, Man makes plans and God laughs.

Life has been treating me well. I have been creating abundantly, reading a lot of great books, and enjoying the Spring & soon to be Summer weather. I will be blogging about recent reads and music faves as well as some new poetry and art. Hope you’re all doing well and having a groovy day!

art · Everything

Ice & Fire

-A Tribute to Daenerys Targaryen & Jon Snow-

So, I’m having Game of Thrones nostalgia and House of the Dragon withdrawals, so I figured now would be a good time to post this painting that I did quite a long time ago. I did this painting all in acrylic paint and used metallic marker for some finishing touches. Done on mixed media paper in my 11×14 sketchbook.

I wanted to show Dany and Jon side by side based on a promo photoshoot they did one season. I represented Dany’s fire with warm colors and Jon’s ice in cool tones. I love how it turned out and feel it represents their dichotomy well. I absolutely despised the ending of GoT and what Jon did to Dany, so I made this to remember them in happier times. An alternate ending in my mind if you will lol.

That’s my little art show and tell of the day! What have you been creating? I’d love to know! Until next time, Alette.

art · Everything · poetry

Weird Days Require Weird Art & “Suffering” Poem

Sometimes, as a creative, when you’re having very weird days and nights, the only solution is to create weird art. So that’s what I did! I started out doodling a martini and turned it into this weird face lol. Abstraction of the ordinary helps to soothe the mind when life is being odd. I’ve been having strange dreams and tossing and turning, waking up every hour. My mental health has sort of been involved in the suffering as well. (stay tuned for a poem at the end about that). But creating weird art helps me, quite a lot. Writing weird, abstract poetry is on my to do list as well, I have so many ideas rattling around in my brain; I just need to put them down onto paper. The lesson I’m trying to tell? Embrace the weirdness, let it seep into your creativity. You never know what might just happen! Here’s a poem from a particularly bad mental health night:


Dreams ’round every corner/visions at will/teardrops threaten to spill/Running down the hallway/Screaming every name/etched into my brain/Help me please dear god/This life is pure Terror.

Luckily today and yesterday, things are looking up and I’m feeling much better. Sometimes you just have to ride the wave of emotions! If you’re interested in more of my art, my art instagram is at artbyalette and my art shop is at

Hope you’re all doing well and I’m looking forward to blogging much more regularly, yippee! Have a groovy day everyone!

art · Everything

Violet Hour Sadness

I was going on a floral craze kick in my art recently so here’s the first of the several floral paintings I did! I used metallic acrylic paint, paint pens, metallic markers, and rhinestones for a bit of mixed media flair! I love how this one turned out, I posted it on my art instagram with Sea Wolf’s “Violet Hour” song playing (which I love dearly). A very fun fairy-esque painting! I’ve been working on some fun abstract spooky art for the festive season, as well as coloring in some sketches I’ve had in the works for ages to post on social media. Soon I’ll be back to conjuring up sketch ideas and maybe doing some more paintings as well.

I named this painting Violet Hour Sadness due to the feeling of just utter despair and dread on Sunday nights as the sun goes down and right before the sun comes up Monday morning. Sunday Scaries are what it’s called and I got those every single Sunday before a work day. I absolutely hated that feeling, it made me feel so alone and fearful. I wanted to turn that feeling into something beautiful, something that you want to dwell in and feast your eyes upon. I hope you enjoy it! As always you can follow my art instagram at artbyalette and check out my redbubble art shop at

Have a lovely mid Fall evening everyone and I’ll be back soon with more art and ramblings!

art · Everything · Life Rambles · poetry

Peacock Poetry, Life & Blog Update

Peacock Feather Forest

A forest of peacock feathers as tall as the sky, soaring up high, softly bending in the breeze, strands of fluff curling and waving/The sky glimmers a glittering baby blue, with golden sparkles falling down onto the forest, covering everything in an enchanting glow/For this is a forest of magick, a sacred place to come and sit and dream and wish/Prayers are answered here and miracles made/There is only one rule, no one is to speak out loud if they encounter another being there/A wave, a solemn nod may be made, but silence is key/Beings return from this place recharged and refreshed, feeling peace and calm/You may fly through the astral plane to visit this forest, sometimes even swimming through your dreams will do the trick too/Just remember, bask in the silence, and protect your peace.

Life & Blog Update

Hello all, I hope you enjoyed my little prose poem! I just wanted to share that I will be using this blog to include all aspects of my life now, not just writing. You can expect life and rambles, all sorts of books and bookish talk, as well as me sharing my art along with my writing. I plan to blog everyday and I do hope you’ll stick around and walk with me on this fun journey.

Now that fall is here, things are cool and crisp and life has been good to me. This time of year is inspiring me to create more, in writing and in art. I hope you all are doing well and enjoying life too!
